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Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy is natural healing protocol which uses O3 (ozone) to super- oxygenate the body. This super-oxygenation powerfully stimulates & triggers a variety of healing, restorative & regenerative processes, including strengthening the immune system & improving cellular energy production. It also has been shown to improve cognition, memory & all foundational cellular processes necessary for our health.


What is it?
O3 is a natural anti-inflammatory & antibiotic that detoxifies, repairs & stimulates the body's innate capacity to heal and repair itself by stimulating, nourishing, & balancing our cells at their most basic level of functioning.
Latest Research

~Scientific and Medical Aspects of Ozone Therapy. State of the Art

​~Ozone Selectively Inhibits Growth of Human Cancer Cells

​~Potential Role of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy in Treatment of Pneumonia

* O3 Therapy is not intended to cure, treat or diagnose any dis-ease.*
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